Mission / To what extent we are targeting to realize.
Strengthening management foundation of clients by means of IT power … A firm fully using IT is promised to be successful.
Becoming to a family doctor of IT … Treating to adopt to clients’ needs.
Activating human resources of IT … Offering our experience & knowhow to all of you to grow together.
Value offered / What is resource of value offered to achieve the mission.
A fresh viewpoint based upon our experience thru competition with the other firms in the same &/or different industry.
Offering professional and common concept or methodology .
Navigating in enthusiasm for problem solving in co-working with clients to be catalytically offered.
Resource of value offered / What is resource of value offered
Corporate culture respecting freedom …Exerting 100% towards clients’ side without any restriction from inter-office management tactics.
Recruiting highly talented human resources … Motive power for clients’ satisfaction,sincerity,passion, perseverance.
System to offer a stage for personal growth … Inter-office presentation of result,career path, mentoring.
Code of conduct / How to conduct for generating value
Always conducting sincerely to put first priority for clients’ benefit and to be a true right arm of clients on their trust.
Acting not only as a consultant but also as an human individual for personal growth.
Leadership is one of key for consultant how to live who concentrate in studying information gathered to do action for any result by a team.
Value offered to clients is an assembly of wisdom from all staffs of us to conduct in recognizing importance of knowledge management.
Conducting for contributing to economic development thru corporate &/or individual activity.